Preparing Your Garden for the Fall - Find what you are interested...Find what you are interested…


Preparing Your Garden for the Fall


While it’s easy to pretend that summer fruits and vegetables will last forever, that is sadly not the case in Ontario. We’ve enjoyed a great summer of tomatoes, cherries, plums, and much more local treats, but it is almost time to say goodbye to the August peach and hello to the September apple. This means that it’s time for the backyard garden to be cleaned up and cleared out. The Elite3 team wants your garden to be in top shape for next year’s season, so we have come up with a list of tips to ensure your end-of-summer garden clean-up is the best it can be.


Clear it out.

Cut away all the dead, brown, and shriveled up leaves. This cleans up the soil for fall plants and for the produce, you will plant next summer. Clearing away these dead plants also allows for some parts of the garden to get some much-needed sun. Just because your tomato plant is gone for the summer, doesn’t mean that all other plants need to go along with it.








Keeping weeds out will also help keep the soil nutrient-rich for next summer’s gardening. The way you treat your garden now will impact how well your plants grow next summer.









Cover up.

The main way to ensure a healthy garden is to keep it covered during the winter. This is a crucial step, especially if you’re not planning on planting any fall vegetables. Use mulch or compost to insulate the soil and keep pests, weeds, and animals away from it during the winter months. Another option is to use winter coverings, which are available at any home and garden store. This will make it much easier to restart when the spring comes. It also looks much better than a bare garden bed!






Hopefully, these tips will make the transition into autumn a bit easier for you and your garden. In the meantime, start looking forward to the delights of fall produce – apples, pumpkins, lettuce, and more!


Sources: (photo)

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Written on November 8th, 2017

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