General Information:
- School History: Established in 1994
- Address: 1123 Glenashton Dr., Oakville, ON L6H5M1
- Contact: 905-845-0012
- Daily schedule:
Feature Program:
- Cluster Program:
- – Grade 9: Science, Math, English, and Geography
– Grade 10: Science, Math, English, and History
– Grade 11: Math and English
– Grade 12: English
- SHSM program (Specialist High Skills Major):
- Business SHSM Pamphlet & Visual Art SHSM
- Co-op Program:
- Cooperative Education is a unique educational experience whereby learning is taken out of the classroom and into the working environment. Co-op helps students to experience the real-world workplace in their endeavor to determine a potential desired pathway for the future.
Rank in the most recent five years:
School boundary:
If you have any questions or would like to know more information about Iroquois Ridge High School, please contact Elite3 & Team at 905-270-3333.
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