Having healthy landscaping can change the entire look and feel of your home. Whether you are thinking of putting your house on the market, maintaining your current property or moving into a new home- there are many benefits to having a well cared for landscape. Here are a few tips on how you can increase curb appeal while creating your own little green oasis.

Assess Your Space
When planning the outline of your garden, it is important to take note of what areas have sunlight and what has shade. Record what areas are best as this will dictate the success rate of your plants. Buildings, fences or any other obstructions in the area will have an effect on how well your garden will bloom. If you pay close attention, you will also save money, time and effort in the end!
Annuals vs. Perennials
There are pros and cons to using either but you since you have already assessed your space, you will be ready to make the right decision. It is said that perennials are great as a long term investment because they will continuously come back year after year. Right out the gate, perennials are more expensive but you can save money and time in the long run. However, if you enjoy gardening outdoors or you are still unsure of light and soil conditions, it would be best if you planted annuals. Annuals only last one season but are lighter on the wallet and are very inviting with their bright and beautiful colours. If you are planning on selling your home, these are the ones to get!
If you have a limited compound space, planters can make your landscape stand out. Not only do they enhance the aesthetic, they are very versatile as well. With planters, you can move them around to areas with more shade and sunlight or even bring them indoors for the winter. Planters are great for the gardener that wants to keep up with colour trends or even as an introduction to new plants as you are able to change them out every year.
Right Time
Now that you went out and bought your plants, seeds and tools the next step should be to just put them in the ground right? The biggest mistake many beginner gardeners make is planting a specific species at the wrong time. Make sure you fully understand the particular plant and if you are unsure, ask the garden centre when the ideal time is to plant to ensure success in your garden.
It may be no surprise that plants will need water to survive but be careful to not under water or over water. It would be such a shame to put all the effort into planning out your dream landscape only to have it perish as fast as it went in. A quick way to tell the difference is this: if the leaves feel dry and the soil feels crusty, you are under watering the plant. You may also notice that the leaves may get a little brown and wilty. The good news is that plants can usually recover soon after they receive water. However, if you are over watering, you can drown a plant and it can not come back to life. If it is not dried out properly, it can also lead to root rot and fungus. A big clue that you are over watering is if the leaves and soil are soft and soggy.

Creating your dream garden takes time and lots of love and care but it doesn’t have to be difficult. It might be a slow start with research but if you do your due diligence in getting all the information beforehand, you will have a thriving landscape in no time! Happy gardening!
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